Monday, January 23, 2012

He FINALLY Proposed!!!

On January 20, 2012, after almost being together for 3 years, he proposed! =) 

We had dinner at Javier's, where we went for our very first date. Dinner was fun and casual. We had drinks at the bar, and people watched, while waiting to be seated. Then we had dinner.

After dinner, we walked to my car. As I fumbled for the keys, he asked, "Did you have fun tonight?" I turned around, and saw him standing there with a ring in his right hand.  He was holding it up. I screamed. I think. In the background, I could hear the question, "Do you want to marry me?" I don't think I said, "Yes," but I do remember watching the ring glide onto my finger. I was speechless. And in shock. 

Later, when we drove to his best friend's house, John, the shock slightly wore off, and I burst into tears as I showed John and Cindy the ring. I never imagined I would cry, but emotions have a strange way of sneaking up on you. Plus, I think my emotions had to fight the lethargy initially created by  3 tequila sodas I had at dinner. =)

All in all, although no knees were bent on G's behalf, the proposal was perfectly cool and romantic. Just like G. I couldn't have wanted anything more.